Save Our Sharks 

Take power into your own hands as a consumer and help save South Africa’s 
declining shark populations. Longline fishing is one of the main reasons sharks in South African waters are disappearing. We as Save Our Sharks have collaborated with Abalobi and SASSI and created an app that allows consumers to vote with their wallets, buy fish that is sustainably sourced and support local restaurants that buy sustainably caught fish as well.
The first post that consumers will see. It will be posted on the collaborating brands Instagram, which is Abalobi and SASSI. The caption urges consumers to download the Save Our Sharks (SOS) app.
The billboard appeals to those who may not have an Instagram account and for students. It’s placed in the heart of Cape Town, near the Two Oceans Aquarium.
This shall be in the V&A Waterfront near 
the Two Oceans Aquarium.
To appeal to ocean lovers, the poster shall also be on
 a tank inside of the Two Ocean Aquarium.
This app has the power to change the way in which fish are caught. Not only does it create a unified platform, it also allows consumers to make the sustainable decision on their own accord. The app also encourages restaurants who don’t support sustainable fishing to begin supporting it in order to get onto the list of choices consumers can choose from. What choosing sustainable fishing does is lessen the use of longline fishing, instead traditional fishing methods shall increase. This increases the chance of shark populations growing once again.
This personal promise to continue to support sustainable
 fishing is a friendly way of ending the consumers 
journey as well as the campaign.
Save Our Sharks

Save Our Sharks
