About  Brand

The brand was conceived when 2 friends went out fishing and sailing on their yacht in the Arabian Sea. In their eureka moment they asked each other what if their most passionate hobby and loved sport deliver an array of products related to fishing and surfing activity . 

They reached out to their third most creative minded friend and it sounded great to all three. Since then they were rigorously and profoundly planning out this concept to bring into action. Holding their likes and interests tight they developed the concept SASHIMI, which was named after their favorite dish and yachts. 

The research took them to the next level of revelation that there is no home grown fashion brand that has a concept store for beach and surf fashion. SASHMI will fill this gap for a new brand line of pert wear head quartering all the way from Abu Dhabi, UAE to the world.
Applying brand story into shape.
Logo Explanation

Used, basic geometric, shapes and converted to "strong" logo identity symbol. This symbol is presenting (fish) and the latter (A). Thetas why I used a "symbol" inside letters to converted logotype symbol also. 

I never use any fish reference to come up with this symbol, I just played with triangle shapes and circle and created many "symbols" but, this is the best one and presenting the brand message.

Color is a very complicated issue in this logo, I used (4) different colors each color has different value and, all colors are presenting brand message clearly and working very well in black and white background. 

The mark itself should convey a Power, Stability, Upward, Harmony, Unity, Eternity, Timelessness, and Playful feeling also. The "mark" and the type with the colour scheme itself show the clients industry perfectly.


