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“Virus” collects images from different web cameras, most of them located in New York, United States. The capture of these images were taken during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, from the declaration of the alarm state and lockdown in March 2020, up to 60 days after, within the progressive start towards the new normality. Archive images of 2020 new year’s celebration in Times Square are included at the beginning of the book.

This project explores the concept of Viruses in all its forms. The capacity of organisms, world systems, or political agents, or to enter our body, mind, or even our privacy. What do we have parasitizing inside us? Different ideas related to the virus such as infection, division, or spread are also explored. After the introduction, the infection of viruses in different variants can cause alterations or modifications in us or in our operating principles. “Virus” raises the question about the ownership of our image, data, and privacy by taking screenshots of images of anonymous citizens that anyone could access from their personal computers. Where? By whom? And for what purpose are we daily filmed? The viewer of this book can evaluate the different profiles of citizens as an observer, interpreting them from their own experience. This exercise shows Times Square as its observation platform, one of the most emblematic places in the world, where the most representative elements of the capitalist system in 2020 are related to each other.


​​​​​​​“病毒”从不同的网络摄像机收集图像,其中大多数位于美国纽约。这些图像的收集是在COVID-19病毒大流行期间进行的,从2020年3月警报状态和“戒严”开始,直到60天之后,逐步朝着新的正常状态发展。这本书的开头包含了在时代广场举行的2020年新年庆典的存档图像。 该项目从各种角度,探索病毒的概念。有机体,世界体系或政治人物的能力,或进入我们的身体,思想甚至我们的隐私的能力。有什么寄生在我们之中?还探讨了与病毒有关的不同观点,例如感染,分裂或传播。引入后,感染不同变体的病毒会导致我们或我们的操作原理发生变更或修改。 “病毒”通过拍摄匿名公民的图像的屏幕快照提出了有关我们的图像,数据和隐私所有权的问题,任何人都可以从其个人计算机访问该屏幕快照。哪里?通过谁?每天拍摄是什么的目的?本书的阅读者可以以观察者的身份评估公民的不同形象,并从他们自己的经历中对其进行解释。此练习显示了时代广场作为其观察平台,这是世界上最具象征意义的地方之一,在这里2020年资本主义体系中最具代表性的要素彼此相关



“Virus” collects images from different web cameras, most of them located in New York, United States. The capture of these images were taken durin Read More
