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7 Relationship Resolution For The New Year

7 Relationship Resolution For The New Year
With 2020 right around the corner, this is a perfect time to renew your love relationship. Relationships hardly blossom without some efforts from both partners. Making a “relationship resolution” at the beginning of the year can truly boost your romantic bonds.

According to a licensed psychologist, Dr. Rachell Needle, “Formulating the relationship resolutions shows that you are prioritizing your relationship. It’s a great way to start the new year and strengthen relationship bonds.”

Although there are many ways to reassess your romantic relationship, like attending Gottman workshops or seeking relationship therapy, making New Year resolutions can a good place to start.

New Year’s eve offers couples an opportunity to reminisce about the beautiful moments of the prior year and plan things for the next year. The relationship resolution helps the spouses stick with their promises and improve their partnership quality.

We have crafted the best New Year relationship resolution list, which will help you flourish in your relationship in 2020.

Stop Fighting Over Small Things

It’s okay to have nitpicky fights sometimes, but regular arguments and rude comments can erode the foundation of your relationship. Bitter statements during the tiny arguments can lead to a lack of respect between the couples. Stop fighting over small issues that can be solved by healthy talk.

Make Your Sex Life A Priority

Sex is a vital part of a romantic relationship and overall well-being. No relationship can survive without intimacy. If the partners are not satisfied with their sex life, then maintaining love and affection can become a real struggle.

Due to busy schedules, many couples face sexual pitfalls. Make time to physically reconnect with your spouse.

Said Dr. Irwin, “Physical contact releases oxytocin hormone, promoting the love bonds between the partners.”

Spend More Time Together

Couples should spend more and more quality time together to strengthen their relationship. Whether you are completing a household chore or celebrating a gala moment together, relish the time together. Your togetherness makes you feel like a team rather than opposing forces.

Leave Bad Habits Together

If you and your partner have shared vices, help each other break free from them. For instance, if you both smoke too much, make a resolution to quit together, instead of nudging your partner for smoke breaks.

Learn Something New Together

Said by one relationship experts, “The couples that learn together stay together.” Learning new things is the best way to prevent your relationship from boredom and to add little fun to your routine life. There are plenty of meaningful things that you and your spouse can try together, such as baking or mountain biking.

Improve Your Communication

Communication refers to the successful transmission of a message and involves good listening and speaking skills. It will improve your relationship and instill a sense of respect, connection and goodwill with your partner. 

Listening is much more than just hearing. It’s about being attentive to what the other person is saying. Active listening demonstrates that you care about your partner’s feelings and value his or her thoughts.

If you are the speaker, understand and identify your needs. Express them calmly and directly.

Final Words:

The list of relationship resolutions does not end here. Select your own resolutions to fit your relationship.

Author’s Bio:

Sunny Skousen’s aim as a Professional Content Curator is to engage and influence her audience with thoughtful and research-based blogs. She specializes in writing about Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Faith-Based Counseling, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Grief/Loss and Trauma, and more!

7 Relationship Resolution For The New Year

7 Relationship Resolution For The New Year


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