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Top 10 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health in 2020

Top 10 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health in 2020
Green Tea Benefit 1 Antioxidants

Green tea is antioxidant-rich, Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in your body.
Free radicals are compounds that can cause harm if their levels become too high in your body. They’re linked to multiple illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, your body has its own antioxidant defenses to keep free radicals in check.
However, antioxidants are also found in green tea and other foods such as fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based, whole foods. Several vitamins, such as vitamins E and C, are effective antioxidants. IE Green Tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Green Tea Benefit 2 - Boosts Your Metabolism

Green tea is said to increase your metabolism, if you want to get in shape then IE green tea may help especially with exercise, green tea that is high in antioxidants can help with weight loss and help boost your metabolism. So to find a tea to boost metabolism, try IE Green tea.

Green Tea Benefit - 3 Lower Cholesterol

Green tea has been shown in studies to help lower cholesterol, it can help lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and much more.

Green Tea Benefit 4 - Wakefulness & Energy

Green tea helps the brain in many ways, but one of the fascinating ways it affects the brain is to help combat drowsiness.

Green Tea Benefit 5 - Focus & Memory

Green tea can help the production of dopamine and other neural transmitters associated with focus, attention & memory.

Green tea Benefit - 6 Blood Sugar

Green tea is effective at regulating and modulating levels of blood sugar, helping to avoid energy peaks and valleys.

Green Tea Benefit 7 - Blood Flow

Green tea can help to increase blood flow by dilating the blood vessels helping to reduce blood pressure and reduce stress.

Green Tea Benefit 8 - Anti Cancer Properties

Polyphenols found in green tea can act as highly potent antioxidants, they help to combat free radicals.

Green Tea Benefit 9 - Weightloss

Green tea will help burn fat while not containing any calories itself, making it one of the best drinks of all for those looking to lose weight.

Green Tea Benefit 10 - Improves Teeth

Green tea can help to prevent tooth decay, and generally help your teeth look healthier and whiter, it's a natural mouth wash.

So there are our top 10 green tea benefits! Is green tea good for you? well, we think so because the health benefits of green tea can be very positive, in fact, the benefits of drinking green tea have been documented for centuries.

Like the green tea skin benefits which give your complexion a boost and the benefits of green tea extract like IE green tea show that drinking green tea helps the body and mind in so many ways.

Are green teas the teas to help weight loss?

Drinking green tea every day has been shown to help with weightloss when combined with a healthy diet and some exercise, green tea antioxidants help to boost the metabolism, in any healthy green tea one of the effects of green tea is a boost in metabolism, which are the benefits of green tea weight loss.

The benefits of green tea with lemon are enhanced as natural lemon also contains vitamins and antioxidants.

The green tea benefits for men are equal to the green tea benefits for women in that they help with libido in men and women, plus there are all those other benefits of green tea too!

The benefits of decaf green tea are that decaffeinated green tea has all of those antioxidants without the caffeine that boosts energy, but remember the caffeine in natural green tea will not make your heart race.

The nutrients in green tea are many including high levels of catechins and essential vitamins that help to boost the immune system, vitamins in green tea are plentiful and rich which is why the benefits of drinking green tea daily are so powerful.

There are also benefits of green tea and honey, try some of our green tea with lemon and honey, also there are green tea hair benefits another of the healthy green tea uses and advantages of green tea healthy lifestyle.

The best green tea for antioxidants is IE green tea containing up to 300mg of antioxidants per serving, which is one of the major benefits of hot green tea, and of course the organic green tea benefits.
Top 10 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health in 2020

Top 10 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health in 2020


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