Console Yourself is a Pontefract-based independent outlet that buy and sell video games and video game consoles.

Wherever possible, they sell retro or hard to find games and consoles, whilst at the same time offering all the new releases that is expected of a modern video game retailer. The design solution helps to communicate this, with a mixture of 8-bit style graphics partnered with bold and clean typography and messaging.

Being a small independent operation, they rely heavily on the local community, which I wanted to focus on and celebrate through sponsored events. This is something that sets them apart from bigger gaming franchises, and something that will help build trust between them and the people of Pontefract.
As an extension of the brand, I developed a bespoke pixel display typeface. The grid system I used to build up the illustrations translated really well to a typeface that harkens back to classic video games—blocks of ‘pixels’ that come together to make simple, yet strong, letterforms.
Console Yourself

Console Yourself
