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Entre Soles Coffee - Puerto Rico - Identity & Packaging

It is said that great things take time. That everything worth having is worth waiting for. But let’s stop talking about time and start spending it. Let’s not wait for good moments to come, but take time for someone you haven’t seen in a while. Because it only takes a moment and a great cup of coffee to reconnect with an old friend.

Entre Soles means “between two suns” to remind us of the time we have for each other every day. The time between two suns is 24 hours. That’s enough to change a life… To meet The One… To make those around us feel loved… And when our time on Earth is up, no one ever regretted the time they spend drinking a cup of coffee with a friend.

The perfect coffee takes time.
Every cup of Entre Soles coffee has been given the time it needs for that perfect flavor. The beans have been allowed to grow and ripe before the farmer takes the time to harvest them by hand. Next, they are dried under the sun. After the pulp has been removed, the raw coffee beans are roasted just long enough to
let complex flavors develop, but never so long that the natural aromas are lost. The art of roasting coffee this way has been passed down the generations in Puerto Rico. It has been preserve over centuries where families have perfected their unique roasts for the perfectly aromatic coffee. When you take the time to brew and enjoy your morning coffee, you will taste the difference.

Take time for special moments.
When the sun rises, coffee is what gets us up in the morning and gets us ready for a new day. Without it, our day just won’t be the same. But there is another occasion that is just as important: When we choose to take out a moment of our busy schedule and dedicate it wholly and completely to someone. We never quite listen to each other, like we do over a hot cup of great coffee. That is where the best conversations begin, where friendships are made and where families move closer. So when you order Entre Soles whole bean coffee, you know we spend the time it needs to grow, harvest and roast the perfectly balanced coffee. Now it is your
turn to make those efforts worth it by enjoying every moment of your cup in great company. You only have 24 hours in a day, take a moment of that time for someone who deserves it.

Who are you spending your Entre Soles moment with?
To us, coffee is about the time we spend together drinking it. So we would love to hear the stories of your Entre Soles moments — what old friend did you reconnect with? When was the last time you had a really good conversation with a family member? Those moments are why we roast coffee.


Entre Soles Coffee - Puerto Rico - Identity & Packaging


Entre Soles Coffee - Puerto Rico - Identity & Packaging

Criação de Logo, identidade visual e design de embalagens para a Entre Soles Coffee, Puerto Rico - 2021
