Thiscover | STARBOY Animated cover in AR

The Aria platform is an app of Augmented Reality and they have been animating several different things and objects to give them life using AR. 

Currently, they have a project called thiscover, the idea here is to create a short animation of a famous Album cover of your choice, for later to be seen in AR. The team asked me to take part on that project and I decided to choose the album Starboy - The Weeknd

Client: Aria platform
Art Direction | Design | Animation: Leonardo F. Dias
Sound Design: Daniele DaniBoy, Audio fabs
Thiscover | STARBOY Animated cover in AR

Thiscover | STARBOY Animated cover in AR

The guys from Aria platform asked me to take part on a project called thiscover, the idea here is to create a short animation of a famous Album c Read More
