The forest here symbolizes mystery which the human nature is. While in darkness, it’s hard to distinguish things, the same way it’s hard to see the uncovered true self in the shade of layers, among others emotions, virtues and vices.
Hypocrisy – Shame.

Feeling ashamed is seen as an act of repentance, regret and realizing mistakes. By playing with notions we can imagine a bad or good person regretting doing good or bad things, mixing the good/ bad in four different alternatives (bad person regretting good things, bad person - bad things, good person - bad things, good person - good things).

Another option is to see a hypocrite expressing shame without any hypocrisy in it. The shame feeling in the moment is sincere but  situational and it doesn’t make the person less hypocritical in general. Or does the shame turn fakeness of hypocrisy into something real?
Self-sacrificing [altruistic] lifestyle with a situational expression of Aggression.

We can play by the same rule with pairs “Lie – Gladness". Lie looks so much like truth that you cannot see the difference, can you?
Envy - Surprise.

The particularity of the emotion “Surprise” is its valence being negative or positive depending on the context. Moreover, it’s always short-termed, followed by another emotion immediately. Which emotion does Surprise presuppose when mixed with Envy?
Arrogance mixed with Fear.
Expressing emotions in the same way, feeling the same feelings makes people much more alike than different. Emotions and virtues/ vices, combined in different ways create different contexts, which is enjoyable to explore.




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