Kaitlin Marino's profile

Beetlejuice: The Musical

Beetlejuice: The Musical

This project was to recreate a movie or show poster, and I chose the Broadway musical, Beetlejuice. 
One of the first things that comes to mind when someone hears "Beetlejuice" is the iconic striped suit, which is why I kept stripes for the background. I chose a dark purple instead of white for the stripes because in the musical, purple and green are two important colors. 
For the two main elements of the poster, the spiral and arrow, I took inspiration from the two main sets from the show. The arrow is similar to an old marquee arrow, and while in the show is red, I chose to create it in green to balance out with the purple. I also recreated the original musical's logo because I feel it is a statement piece of "Beetlejuice" and I didn't want to stray too far from it in my design.

After creating the poster, we had to create 4 additional outcomes; an Instagram post & story, a Facebook cover, and a ticket design. I kept the striped background and logo for all outcomes. I used the spiral in the facebook cover and instagram post, and chose to leave it out for the other two. In the instagram post and story, I moved the title to the middle of the post instead of at the bottom. I did this because when scrolling or tapping through social media, you spend very few seconds on each post, unless something grabs your attention. I want people to see the title of the show and at least spend a few seconds more looking at the post, and then the actual goal would be to get someone to be interested in the show and want to find out more. On the ticket design I decided the keep the background stripes more neat instead of jagged like the others since the design is so small and I didn't want the design to feel crowded. I also added the venue, address, date, time, and ticket number on the right side and kept the logo on the left. I chose to keep the arrow on just the poster because it is the biggest design so there was more room. I also feel like the poster is the biggest element in the set of outcomes and wanted it to have the most detail.
Beetlejuice: The Musical

Beetlejuice: The Musical
