Eternal Artifact
Visualization by Stanislav Tsoy
October 2020
Recently Movemento club reached us to suggest a collaboration for Dutch Design week. How could we reject such a wonderful opportunity to untie our creativity's hands? 
The main theme this year is  The New Intimacy. Privacy, Human-Nature relation and the Future of Products. We are all concerned about what awaits us in the future, we are separated by the quarantine and distancing rule. We are scared Will the society crumble?
Of course it will not. But one could not just leave the thoughts away, right?

In what we are totally sure is that the Art is Eternal and you can definitely say that what Movemento club does have long past the definition of simple furniture it's Art. 
By this series of work, we wanted to tell a story of loneliness of  Eternal Artifacts in crumbled civilization. And yet leave hope that despite any obstacles one day we will rise from the rumble and once again unite at the same table.
Eternal Artifact