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O atelier de arte brasileira "Armoriarte" está localizado no município de Caruaru, no agreste pernambucano. Sua obra mais reconhecida, as esculturas intituladas como "Pedidores de Abraços", conquistaram o Brasil e hoje dispõem de uma quantidade enorme de admiradores pelo país e no exterior. Cada peça carrega consigo o imaginário da cultura nordestina. As poéticas cores e traços característicos do estilo Armorial, iniciativa artística fundada pelo grande escritor e dramaturgo brasileiro Ariano Suassuna, são a grande fonte de inspiração dos artistas responsáveis pela Armoriarte, Emeton Kroll e Yran Palmeira.

The Brazilian art studio Armoriarte is located in the Brazilian city of Caruaru. His most recognized work, the sculptures entitled "Pedidores de abraços (Requesters of Hugs), conquered Brazil and today have a huge number of admirers on Brazil and abroad. Each piece carries with it the imaginary of culture of northeastern Brazil. The poetic colors and characteristic features of the Armorial style, which was an artistic initiative founded by the great Brazilian writer "Ariano Suassuna", are the great source of inspiration of the artists responsible for Armoriarte, Emeton Kroll and Yran Palmeira.

The brand symbol is an irregular sun, based on the Armorial style. The sun was chosen as a symbol by embracing the entire universe with its rays. This is a poetic, minimalist and meaningful brand.​​​​​​​

Brand unboxing was developed to be a multisensory experience. With the physical effects caused by essential oils when they come into contact with our nervous system through our olfactory nerves, we will awaken memories, sensations, emotions and feelings. All with the aim of generating intense emotional connections between the brand and its consumers.
Another proposal for the brand is the development of its stationery in seed paper, with the objective of re-signifying the disposal of waste, which could become a beautiful plant pot, after all, one of the great passions of the artists behind Armoriarte is gardening.
As fotografias utilizadas nesse projeto são de autoria de Yran Palmeira, Emeton Kroll, Thais Lima e Artes do Imaginário Brasileiro.


