iQOO 5 Pro x BMW M New View Video

3D Motion
The cooperation between iQOO 5 Pro and BMW M will bring you a super speed experience!

Our story is inspired by BMW M's classic tricolor racing track of red, blue and white, expressing speed, manipulating, breakthrough and infinity.

Get rid of the complex light expression, present the static light and shadow of the racing vehicle and the environment, and release the igniting visual moods.
iQOO 5 Pro x BMW M New View Video
客户 Client: IQOO
代理商 Agency: SeenVision
制作公司 Production House:SEEN Production
导演 Director: 邢啪啪
创意指导 Creative Director:阿司匹琳
监制 Executive Producer:樟脑玩
客户执行 Account Executive:兔兔
美术指导 Art Director: 邢啪啪
三维动态设计 CGI Animation:邢啪啪
三维场景设计 CGI Scene Design:邢啪啪  wuhy  孙雨禾  阿哲
三维灯光、渲染、合成 CGI Lighting/ Rendering/ Compositing:邢啪啪  wuhy  孙雨禾  阿哲  王浩民
特效 VFX:邱林
模型 Phone Modeling:  黄吉鹏
剪辑 Editor:邢啪啪
分镜 Storyboard:恬恬
音乐 Music & Sound Design:boxoftoys
iQOO 5 Pro x BMW M New View Video