Jihye Lee's profile

2015 Cross mountain calendar

2015 Cross Mountain calendar - Self-infographic calendar
We always climb mountains in our life!
2015 cross mountain calendar is a self-infography calendar and
will record your event day by day.
- Draw a dot on the meeting point the date and feeling of the pressure
figure of the event (Mountain altitude) and then link previous day.
At the end of the year, it will show various mountains.

The calendar is included in a long map type of calendar folded
in a series of zigzags, a mountain guide page with a pencil. 

* [산넘어 산] San numer san - Cross mountain and mountain is Korea idiom. The meaning of English is out of the frying pan into the fire. I always say 'Cross a mountain but mountain again...'.


2015 Cross mountain calendar

2015 Cross mountain calendar

2015 mountain calendar
