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Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis
The fest­iv­al of Ren­contres Choré­graph­iques Inter­na­tionales de Seine-Saint-Denis has asked us to estab­lish the Art Dir­ec­tion of its 2020 annu­al event.

Client: Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis
Year: 2020
More at:
This trail­blaz­ing fest­iv­al ded­ic­ated to con­tem­por­ary cho­reo­graph­ic writ­ing looks at the world from a sharp and poet­ic per­spect­ive, while con­stantly ques­tion­ing it. We have made new use of plastic mater­i­al, one that is nat­ur­ally graph­ic, the sym­bol of our con­sumer­ism: the bin bag. We have thus cre­ated a graph­ic uni­verse that ques­tions the world sur­round­ing us while remain­ing eleg­ant.
UltraSolar x TXT25
We have high­lighted this cre­ation through a con­tem­por­ary let­ter­press choice by work­ing with Adri­an Midzic’s Ultra­sol­ar typeface, com­bined with the TXT25 of anoth­er French type design­er, Jean-Bap­tiste Mori­zot.
A graphic emphasis of movement
A rein­ter­pret­a­tion of the mass-pro­duced mater­i­al by play­ing on an eleg­ant and cur­rent col­our range.
A res­ol­utely con­tem­por­ary and play­ful let­ter­press thanks to its many vari­ations.
Subtle plays on trans­par­ency and dif­fer­ences enable the con­tent typo­graphy to be homo­gen­ised with the art­work.
A mar­ket­ing cam­paign giv­ing imagery pride of place by pop­ping the line-up with­in a ded­ic­ated graph­ic space.
Thanks for watching 

Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis

Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis
