Feel the Digital Plus

Clatid is a service platform which provides two types of services:
Corporate/Compliance Education Service and IT services/Web services.

They have various services in these two prime industries. Services like Desktop Application, UI/UX Design, Web Development, Corporate Solutions and much more.

Designing a company’s logo is a responsible task, here is how we finalized it:

Step 1: Brainstorming ideas
Clatid is a very unique name in itself so it was difficult to design a logo which is relatable to the brand name, so we discussed a lot and brainstormed different ideas which are out of the box and the client would like it.

Step 2: Discussions and Negotiations
We worked in a team so we ended up having a lots of ideas, therefore a lot of discussions and negotiations on everyone’s ideas and discussions and online meets with client as well, whether they liked the idea or not.

Step 3: Designing
After finalizing the layout of a logo we designed it, it again requires brainstorming as to what color will go with the logo, shape, size etc.

Step 4: Finalizing the idea
After brainstorming on different ideas, designs, negotiations, and agreeing of client for the designed logo we finalized the idea and this is what we have designed.

Symbols are a succinct and efficient way of communicating information about your business.
Therefore logo is an essential part for a company. It shows the significance of the company as well as helps audience to identify your company easily.

Swipe left to see the glimpse of what we created for Clatid.

Check it out and let us know if you liked it or not?

#Dechcept #ClientDiaries #Branding #ClientWork #BrandDevelopment #IT #Startup #Campaign#2020 #workforwork #design #teamwork #Graphics #logo #business #digitalmarketing #marketing2020 #matketingconcepts #Dechcept


