The GodMan Slum Tour / Philippines
“Prepare the way of the Lord.” – Isaiah 40:3
We also dubbed this one as, “Save The World As We Know It” tour. The world we know being the harsh and dangerous slums of Manila where we feed children every day.
With a new evangelistic tool in our hands we sprang into action over a 30+ day period and lugged around cumbersome equipment from slum to slum until we reached almost every community in our ministry sphere of influence.
Our goal: Present the message of Jesus to children in a new relevant way they could understand; use technology to bring glory to God, while praying for many more little hearts to open and give Jesus a place to live.
The only daylight showing turned out most appropriate as it revealed the emotion captivating the children's attention throughout most of the other areas too. (The lighting conditions were horrible to produce good photos elsewhere)

Stating with something called, the Book of Hope, Please Pass the Bread Philippines incorporated a new teaching curriculum, this year, into the spiritual aspect of the program. Made for children, in an illustrated format, the Book of Hope is a chronological and harmonized version of the Gospels, telling the story about the life of Jesus.

It has become an evangelistic tool used in reaching children for Christ. Throughout the feeding sites in the Philippines it has been brought into the Bible study setting, teaching children about the life and love of Jesus.
With a connection to the story line presented in the Book of Hope, the GodMan is simply a movie version of the book, but powerfully brought to life through animation created by Hollywood professionals. The film was designed in a culturally relevant format, using today’s technology. It has been proved elsewhere to be a powerful evangelistic tool leading children in making a decision for Jesus.

(Now that you just read all the “blah blah” above that reads like a paragraph presenting a product for purchase on Amazon, I can tell you, as one who has seen it many times over, what happens as we show this movie is anything but “blah”.)

I was caught off guard a few times as tears came streaming down my face. But the tears weren’t specifically, or only, because of the movie itself, but because the presence of the Holy Spirit so powerfully filled the room and touched the hearts of the children watching the movie. Jesus showed up on many occasions. The stirring was real. Hearts were made sensitive and Jesus spoke in love to many. There were definitely a few “WOW” moments - spiritually. Showing after showing, children stood up after the movie and extended their hands to accept Jesus into their hearts as the area program preacher man spoke.
What about the parents? Well, we have to include a group we will call the “adults”, which includes the parents. Funny thing happened during our tour. Although the setting to show our movie was often the church or location where the children gather to eat, many of the parents were in attendance. Adding to our unintended audience, many of those from the surrounding community gathered outside to watch through open windows or doors.

I gained a visual from both perspectives and was surprised to witness the adults in close proximity were just as captivated and focused as the story of Jesus unfolded in full cinematic display – as far as a wobbly 70 x 70 screen could represent.

At the end, I can say I was genuinely amazed at what happened. Not every showing was some great Supernatural experience, but a spiritual intensity did generate well at most. Jesus had His way and now resides anew in many more hearts.
"I am so thankful because I am included in the program and I am learning about the Lord Jesus. Before I became a part of the program I used harsh language a lot and picked fights. Now I don’t after learning about the life of Jesus. I learned how to use the Bible, sing praise songs to the Lord and memorize verses. I know how to pray now.

"While watching the movie I felt sad and cried when they put Jesus to the cross and hurt him. I felt it in my heart when they beat him at the back until his clothes ripped off and then made him carry the heavy cross. Then the blood dripped from His back and I cried really hard. Then when they nailed him to the cross I cried really hard again.

"What made me happy was that Jesus healed the sick like the deaf man, helped the man to walk again, and healed the blind man. Then I felt really happy after Jesus came alive again after 3 days. Now I will always pray. And now stay away from doing badly against someone. I will also go ask for forgiveness after I quarrel with someone. How can I ever repay Jesus Christ after all He has sacrificed for our sins?

"Now I notice other people around me who don’t do anything for Jesus. They drink too much and smoke, which is bad. They do nothing for all that Jesus did for us. They don’t know what Jesus did on the cross. They don’t know the Jesus who made the heaven and earth. How bout if we didn’t ever have Jesus? Maybe we aren’t here too.

"That’s why when I saw the movie about Jesus I really cried. I learned that we really have to obey the words of Lord Jesus. And don’t ever change it or disobey. And then we always have to read the Bible every day and memorize the verse like Joshua 1:8. It means that we have to read and meditate because it will make everything come true, God will help us, and we will have a prosperous and eternal life. We will live happy with Jesus.

"So from now on I will always pray and always do good to others. I will be obedient to my parents. And in this way it will be my means of repaying Jesus".

Ferry Jean
Please Pass the Bread Program

GodMan Slum Tour

GodMan Slum Tour

on a mission for Please Pass the Bread


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