William Wright's profile

Cubes-Colors-Chaos (2020) [Itch]

Cubes-Colors-Chaos (2020) [Itch]
Description: A game of 2D minigames with different themes, culminating to a 3D boss battle.

Jerry Mayton - Level Design/Narrative Design 
   Aaron Robley - Music/Sounds                             
     Briana Sykes - Story Art                                         
 William Wright - Programming/Narrative Design

Made With: Unity

Development Time: ~3 Months
Technical Accomplishments:
I was able to generate the racing track from a text file to make it easier to iterate designs and difficulty. First I would generate the track at runtime, place the obstacles over it, then save the obstacle group as a prefab to place in the editor. The track would then be generated again in game. I have since learned about running scripts in editor and how to more efficiently generate the track once instead of every time the level loads.
Figuring out how to flip the cube to the next attack for the boss battle was also a challenge. The behavior the team wanted was as follows: Pick a random attack based on one of the eight colors that hasn't been used yet, pick a side of the cube that color is on that isn't the current side, then flip the cube to that side. To achieve this, each color specifies the three sides it appears on (0 - 5). When a color is picked it goes through the sides and picks the one that isn't the current side, and also isn't on the opposite side. This guarantees that the next side is perpendicular to the current one. Then there is an empty object in the middle of the cube that simply looks at the chosen side. To flip the cube, it now just needs to be parented it to that object, turned a couple times, and made sure it ends facing upwards.
Cubes-Colors-Chaos (2020) [Itch]

Cubes-Colors-Chaos (2020) [Itch]



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