Vanessa Horiuchi's profile

Concurso "Playscapes" - Menção honrosa

This work was conceived in partnership with my friend Stephanie Beirão, for 'Playscapes Competition' by Building Trust International, where we received honourable mention.
We were asked to conceive a place which encouraged public interaction and turned redundant city spaces into fun creative places.
The site we have choosen was a bus stop in our home city, São Paulo, Brazil.
The project requires a simple construction, and is based in the idea of reinventing an old game and connecting it with art.
This could be an incentive to the government to hire more artists to carry out further art pieces, as well as giving the feeling of ownership to public property as truly “made by the people, for
the people” and as a result we hope there will be less vandalism.

David Cole founding partner of Building Trust international said, “The playful adaptation of an old game by increasing the scale to one that makes it a public art piece as well as an engaging game was clever and well thought out. When combined with the strong ethos for community involvement and support for local artists it is hard to dispute that this would certainly get people talking.”


Color pallet used
Concurso "Playscapes" - Menção honrosa

Concurso "Playscapes" - Menção honrosa

This project was developed for a competition where the goal was to design a fun intervention in the city, in order to provide logical thinking, p Read More
