Tuenti - Warm up Los Santos

At Tuenti, year after year we make one of the coolest and most anticipated parties in all of Ecuador: La Tuenti Farra. And, in 2020, no virus was going to stop our desire to celebrate, that is why we decided to heat up the Tuenti Farra in a place where nothing and no one would prevent us from getting together.

For one night we take one of the most famous and partying cities in the world. No! It was not NY, nor Amsterdam, nor Berlin; Tuenti Farra's “Warm Up” took over Los Santos, the metropolis in one of the most iconic online games in history: Grand Theft Auto V.


Fernando Hernández - Creative Director
Diego Pinilla - Creative Director
Diego Arias - Copywriter
Sebastian Peláez - Copywriter
Cristian Jimenez - Art Director
David Abril Alfaro - Video & Audio Editor

Tuenti - Warm up Los Santos