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Brett Ulrich: Handy Tips to Stay Safe and Sane when

Brett Ulrich: Handy Tips to Stay Safe and Sane when Working from Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This pandemic is not an easy period for anyone, but that does not mean there is nothing to be done for your state of mind. Brett Ulrich has tips to help stay home and stay sane.
A good number of people, thanks to the recent covid-19 pandemic, are stuck working at home, if they are even able to work. Self-isolation, spending most of your time indoors, and not seeing the people you normally do in person can drive a person mad, but no matter how stir crazy this kind of thing can make a person, people are going to need to stay safe for the interim. If you need help staying safe and sane while you work from home, Brett Ulrich has some handy tips to cope.

Brett Ulrich: How to Keep Sane While Working from Home

The first thing you need to do is to keep to a schedule. Whether it be the schedule you held while you were working on site or whether you want to have a schedule that fits your comfort (looking at you, night owls), working at the same time of day, every work day, helps keep you regular and gives you a pattern to follow.

 If you have people living in the same place as you, you also need to set up boundaries, Brett Ulrich points out. This is a new thing for you and yours, in all likelihood, and you need to set things up so that none of you infringe on each other’s personal space or comfort, Brett Ulrich suggests. Thus, having a space where you work in your home that is separate from other people, as well as places where you may otherwise congregate, will help you focus, Brett Ulrich notes.

You also need to remember to care for yourself. 

Brett Ulrich notes that it is quite easy to let your personal hygiene and appearance go to the dogs, as you do not need to dress for success like you usually have to in a professional business setting. You should also take into account comfort — while your work chair may have been a dream, you may not have a chair to replicate that. Brett Ulrich recommends that you look into a chair that can make it bearable to sit at your home desk for hours a day.

And of course, do not forget to hydrate! This is something you should be doing regardless of if you are working from home or not, but all too often Brett Ulrich sees people not take care to drink some water on the regular. You should hydrate yourself once an hour ideally. If you take care of yourself in this way at this rate, you should be right as rain (no pun intended).
Brett Ulrich: Handy Tips to Stay Safe and Sane when

Brett Ulrich: Handy Tips to Stay Safe and Sane when
