I enrolled in a UX Design Fundamentals class by the California Institute of Arts through Coursera, a platform for online courses. By the end of the class, the goal was to design and create a prototype of a mobile application.

User Interface and User Experience Designer who is responsible for design research, ideation, wireframing and visual design.​​​​​​​

When using a notebook and pen for journaling and a camera to take pictures, it sometimes becomes a hassle to bring them everywhere. You need a significant space in your bag to fit them. There are also times that aren’t accessible to write in your notebook like during night time and you can’t access light.

Create an application that can easily be the on the go diary for the user’s accessibility and convenience.
After creating a list of functions and evaluating from  interviews and competitive analysis, here are the necessary  functions that the app will include:

Add Entry
Documenting memorable events

List of entries
Track and revisit memories

Mood tracker
Shows what the user feels that day

Shows highlights of the month
User Flow & Wireframing
Worked on with the journey of the user when using the application.​​​​​​​
In this project, I learned to not overdo functions and to focus on solving the problem. At first, I wanted this application to have 8 functions, but some didn't really fit to the goal of the application so I had to remove a few and only focused on the main functions.
Dear Diary

Dear Diary
