Role: UX Design, UI Design
Software: Sketch, Invision

As a habit junkie, I’m constantly exploring new ways to improve my daily routine. Optimization and ease of cognitive load are key to completing my goals. Which also happen to be tenants of improving the user experience of an app. The parallels between cultivating a new flossing habit and design aside, I wanted to make the onboarding process for this fitness app as frictionless as possible. Because truthfully, building habits hurts. But that’s the point, success is sweet only when it’s earned.

There are enough barriers to entry for beginners in the health and fitness world. Frustration, anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of time and energy, fear of judgement, and the largest barrier: inconsistency. When people are inconsistent around their fitness goals, they don’t see improvement. And what doesn’t get tracked, doesn’t improve. This is why tracking your habits is ultra important for leading a healthy lifestyle.

My personal approach to this is a bit old school. Pen and paper is easiest for me to actively track my protocols throughout the day. It’s how I make sure I’m drinking enough water, taking my magnesium, journaling, and getting some physical activity. So I wanted to challenge myself to design an interface that was simple enough for me to use without feeling like I didn’t have to work hard to make sure my days were structured around prioritizing a healthy lifestyle. I kept a few things in mind while working through the screens included below:
• Clearly highlight CTAs
• Include motivating imagery
• One-click goal completions (I want that dopamine hit)
• Flexibility around scheduling (I don’t want my days to look identical)

With these goals in mind, I created a minimalist onboarding process and a view of the “Today” section complete with a calendar view to establish context for the week. This gives me the flexibility to see what’s coming up on my schedule, what my focus for the day should be, and delight in crossing things off my list.
Habit Tracker App

Habit Tracker App
