Aksh Bhutani's profile

Breaking Bad - Baby Blue

The Death of The Fat Guitarist

I am known to express my feelings through my art or my music. Since it has been tough for me to deal with my current circumstances, I thought it was time for drastic change in my life. And I knew no other way, than to cut my hair short, and let go of the stage personality I created for myself 3 years ago. Hence, I illustrated the death of my character as a symbol of starting afresh.

I've used the final scene of the renowned TV Show, "AMC's Breaking Bad", the death of Walter White, as the basis of the animation. I kept the same soundtrack, "Baby Blue (Remastered 2010) - Badfinger" and the Breaking Bad logo on the T-Shirt as an homage to the show.

This is the final animation that I ended up creating (and I really liked it too!)

This is the Final Illustration, used to create the animation. This was a piece of work!

This is the final set of assets used in the Illustration.

This is the sketch I drew as the basis of the body in the Illustration.

And finally, these are snapshots of the original scene from AMC's Breaking Bad!

Big props to AMC's Breaking Bad for the scene, and Badfinger's track, for perfectly blending with the theme and capturing the vibe of the scene!

Breaking Bad - Baby Blue


Breaking Bad - Baby Blue

I am known to express my feelings through my art or my music. Since it has been tough for me to deal with my current circumstances, I thought it Read More
