((Writting terr-excercise-))

Travelling by train

Terrifying things are going thru my mind; trembling images, transforming my thoughts from a terrific dream of thoughtful memories to a terribly transformed landscape of terrigenous plains turned to dread by extraterrestrial terrors.
Turning my head away from the terribleness of the passing visions in the aperture of the wall, while exterritorial figures turned to me tearing apart the territoriality of my mind, like a wild bullterrier devil filling me with fright at the wretched horror of the freight car turning around uncontrollably accelerating to the ground. There is nothing but the outmost chilling tremors in my body as the uncontrollably trope of gravity crushes my head; when suddenly a transforming sound reaches my ears and open my eyes to the deterring reality of the train stopping at the station.
What a terrible dream to have.
Writting excercise

Writting excercise


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