Learn.Ace is an XR glasses product that my team and I created that brings together physical and distance learning to make education accessible to everyone. The development of the product was inspired from a technology featured in a Black Mirror episode, The Grain, wherein this technology records people's audiovisual senses, allowing the person to re-watch their memories. Learn.Ace is a brand creation project I have as part of my Brand, Vision, and Growth Hacking class. 

At the idea generation phase of our product development, we wanted to create a product that focuses on what we consider the basis for a better world. A product that will enable the world to leverage this new technology in the best way possible: Education. And not just any type of education but immersive education. We believe that by making distance irrelevant, this will enhance the learning process and consequently build a better future for everyone. ​​​​​​​

Our initial product was named, Glassense, a sensatory eyewear that transport people's senses to a different place no matter where they are. We aimed to target this product to private schools that focuses on empathy, diversity and global exposure of their students and at the same time are helping kids with low access to quality education. 

Link to the initial product video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IJiOuV-nuuTwoGEBE5wSarIOSz-5Y5Tf/view?usp=sharing 
However, after receiving feedback on our initial product, we decided to pivot it. Our new glasses are powered by a software technology that enables students to access their educational XR environment anywhere. And this is how Learn.Ace was materialized. With our new glasses, top universities will be able to offer their students access to high quality education in a virtual representation of reality that users can access from anywhere with their five senses. We offer a lease model for universities including a package that consists the glasses, software, maintenance, and insurance at a small monthly fee of €170 per user.
Learn.Ace Customer Journey
To be able to deliver the best possible product, we developed a customer journey and identified the main pain points in every phase. We came to the conclusion that it is imperative that people adapt to our technology as frictionless as possible and that our clients overcome the fear of being an early adopter. This is why we have decided to provide a highly personalized service across the journey. 
Retention Plan for Learn.Ace with Cohort Analysis and RFM Segmentation
Regarding our retention plan, when the students start using our product, we will be able to collect data on their behavior through sensors, face and tone of voice recognition. Using big data and machine learning we will be able not only to make the experience much more engaging but we will feed this data to our Cohort Analysis and RFM segmentation tools to enable us to understand and predict possible churn risks in advance and act on it proactively to decrease the number of customers that stop using our service as much as possible.
Preventive Approach To Avoid Churn: Learn.Ace
We have three preventive approaches to avoid churn. The first one is the Onboarding Program, which means that there will be a personalized training by a Learn.Ace expert  that will fit the customer’s needs. Then, Key Account Managers will establish a proactive communication with the customers and  build a strong and long-term relationship with them. And finally, Customer Feedback Loop, wherein we will assess our customer’s feedback through surveys, which we will use to develop opportunities to improve our user experience.
Experiments Run by Learn. Ace
We then ran different kinds of experiments rating them for impact, confidence and ease of implementation to decide on which ones to implement first. This enabled us to respond with the improvements that users like better.

We believe that students will be able to adapt, engage and interact with all the different features in the virtual environment using all their senses after ten sessions in two weeks since each teacher and class has different needs and formats to deliver the learning experience (e.g. regular lectures, group work).
CAC/LTV of Learn.Ace
Regarding our CAC, our biggest cost will be inventory upkeep, which hosts our service in Amazon servers and ensures its stability. We still have other costs but our CAC to LTV ratio shows a healthy cost structure.
Growth Strategy and Process of Learn.Ace
For our growth strategy, we plan to start with IE University where we will learn from user 0 and 1 and start growing based on their experiences. By year two we project having 10 universities on board. Increasing the know-how will enable us to grow at a higher pace. By year 5 we expect to have 50 customers and then move one to other environments.

Throughout the developmental process of our product Learn.Ace, we've learnt to create a brand vision that has a true transformational purpose and define a winning growth strategy by establishing a process that leads to better results and potentially, exponential growth. 

