Migara A. Wijeratne's profile

Sri Lankan Identity Card

Sri Lankan Identity Card - Concept

I have implement a new concept for Sri Lankan identity card. This new concept helps to understand for both Blind and normal people of their personal details easily. ​​​​​​​
The first image shows the front side of the concept ID. It has printed your details in three languages, which is Sinhala, Tamil and English. Also the two symbols which is on top right and left corners may represent the culture of the country, heritage and purity of Nature. The Card dose have clear picture of your face on the left corner, Also it has person's basic information printed on the front and they are,  Name,  age,  gender, card number etc.

As shown on the image 1.1.
The one of most important factor of this card is, We have include the Braille writing system on the card for blind people to understand there ID card number. That may describe  we have considered Blind people too, when concepting the new ID card. The emblam of sri Lankan logo has taken to the background of the front side to add more weight, and to look genuine. As per the picture I have used an UV printed logo on the top middle and that helps to make the card more secure and not to be clone at any situation. Card front side... 
When checking the back side of the ID card, I have added most valuable details to identifies person location plus a special barcode signs to find out more info. Address is one of main aspect that every ID card has. But here 
I have added three categories of the location you stay, that is which province you may represent, which district and the postal code. This will helps to manage clear stats on, number of people living in that particular area plus number of goods to produce at any emergency situation. Place of birth and issued date also mentioned on the card to clear more about person's Info. Final Barcode can represent any data according to what we feed. It can be scan accordingly and get information in to the system then and there. Which is a quick way to fill some online application about the person without typing a single word. The back side of the card shows as Above,

Thank You
Sri Lankan Identity Card


Sri Lankan Identity Card

Concept design for Sri Lankan Identity card I have implement a new concept for Sri Lankan identity card. This new concept helps to understand for Read More
