Health Tea Bag
"One to rule them all, one to find them, one to bring them all and..."
... to guide the corporate identity applications of the brand HTB (Health Tea Bag), to be solid, coherence and easy to implement.
A Corporate Identity Manual project.

But also, it’s an emotional bond that connects all interested customers, establishing an expectation of quality and consistency, and ultimately, the use of this manual properly, adds value to the product.
Providing a unique, strong and consistent image of HTB clients. The CIM will guide you in the application of the corporate identity in all of your communication activities.
The logo for HTB has been inspired by the basic principles of the brand:
Tea - Health - Sport - Sustentability
With this “key-words” it has been materialized different properties that our logo should have and reflect, as our external comunication should reflect it too, keeping a coherence message and an strong corporate image.
As a result of the study of the brand, the final design wanted to inspire:
Balance - Resistance - Dynamism - Simplicity.
The manual includes the proportion of the logo and its architecture, the definition of the corporate colors, the correct uses, the incorrect uses, ... and some mockups to show the applications of these rules and visualize the corporate element.
Tee elements, and stationary elements:


