Crisp Air Brand Campaign
For this project, I was assigned to develop an entire brand campaign completely from scratch for a company of my choice. I was inspired to create a hot air balloon company that would be unlike any other hot air balloon experience. This balloon ride would fly over the most well-known apple farms in Charlottesville, VA and would offer the best apple samples from various apple farms during the ride. Once I figured out my USP, I decided to name my company “Crisp Air” in order to combine the apple and flight experience.
From there, I designed the brand strategy, the logo, identity system, packaging system, brand style guide and social media posts for my company. Each deliverable went through the process of ideation, sketches, roughs, compositions, iterations and a final design.

Enjoy the ride!
Identity System & Packaging
The goal of my brand campaign was to create a Hot Air Balloon Company that is classy and fun. I designed it specifically for women to enjoy a fancy adventure.

Overall, I think I was very successful in achieving this from the logo to the identity system to the packaging elements. The logo is fun and unique yet effective and scalable, the identity system is cohesive with the brand and is functional, and the pattern screams the personality of the brand. However, the process getting there was a lot of trial and error. 
For example, choosing a color scheme that matched my look & feel proved to be very difficult but I finally found one I was happy with. My biggest low was revising my logo over and over again until I was satisfied with it. But, my biggest high was seeing the finished product and the results of my hard work. In the future, I would give myself more time to develop a strong and effective logo before moving on to anything else. 

From this project, I learned how important a logo is and how it is the most vital piece of a brand campaign. I learned how specific and detailed I need to be in designing every element. Finally, I learned that every design choice I make needs to have a strong purpose or reason to back it up. I am not designing something just to look pretty, but to bring people joy through my creativity.
Crisp Air

Crisp Air
