Sunset Developments LTD

Sunset Developments LTD
Branding & Web Design
Sunset Development is a Construction company based in the heart of Dorset. They approached UNBXD to create a brand for the company that they can use across a range of marketing material, apparel and more.
This is what our designer Lisa had to say on creating this fantastic brand:
This clean cut and approachable symbol gives the brand stability and comfort needed throughout the development process. The subtle curve can indicate a land value being risen by the development done with your company. The navy blue tone gives the brand a fresh, yet sophisticated feel, which will appeal to the higher end demographic.The typography is a bit more daring, which creates interest and uniqueness within the development industry.
Keep your eyes pealed on out social channels in the coming weeks as get close to launching their new, bespoke website.
Sunset Developments LTD

Sunset Developments LTD
