Sierra Brava Tableware

Client: Sierra Brava
Category: Product 
Typology: Tableware
Materials: Mesquite wood
Year: 2019
This collection was designed for Sierra Brava, a brand of products that praises the wit and culture of Northern Mexico. Sierra Brava Tableware is integrated by 13 elements that participate in the three most important moments of a traditional “carne asada” or barbecue: preparing, serving, and sharing. Together, these objects enhance the presentation of the food and create a harmonious interaction between the people who share an afternoon of gastronomic pleasures.

Sierra Brava Tableware is inspired by the authenticity and identity of the northern culture and makes the feeling of belonging tangible through utensils and tools for culinary use. Each piece was designed from a direct and essential aesthetic language, materialized through woodworking techniques on mesquite, a representative wood of Northern Mexico that provides high quality, excellent durability, and resistance.

In Northern Mexico, a “carne asada” is a ritual where people, beyond food, share values ​​and build stories. Sierra Brava Tableware exalts pride and affection for tradition, coexistence, food and the conversations that unite us.
We love sharing what we are doing in the studio and our vision of design through our social networks. You can follow me on Instragram, Facebook and Twitter. I also invite you to subscribe to our newsletter.
Sierra Brava Tableware