What is Iron deficiency?
Anemia is caused due to deficiency of iron in body. In this disease red blood cell count decreases which eventually reduces the hemoglobin level in the blood.
Why is Iron important?
For child’s growth and development iron is an essential nutrient. Iron helps the movement of oxygen from the lungs to the entire body. It helps muscles store and use oxygen. Lack of iron in child’s diet may lead to a condition called iron’s deficiency. Now a day’s deficiency of iron in children is a common problem. Its occurrence leads to many levels, from mild deficiency to iron anemia. Iron helps to make red blood cells. In case of infants iron is stored in their body at time of birth. They grow rapidly so they need to absorb a lot of iron each day. Babies from 9 to 24 months mostly gets affected by the iron deficiency anemia.
In case of breastfed babies, they need less iron since iron is absorbed better when it is in breast milk. Anemia risk is increased when an infant younger than 12 months drink cow’s milk instead of breastfeeding. Cow’s milk has iron, it makes the body absorbance rate harder.

Risk of iron deficiency may include following reasons:
i. Lower weight than normal of the infant at the time of birth
ii. Premature birth
iii. Infant with overweight Babies who consume cow’s or goat’s milk before age of 1 year
iv. Had been exposed to lead

In case of adolescent girls there is also a high risk of iron deficiency during the time of mensuration because of the loss of iron during periods.

It affects children according to their age, here is list of causes of iron deficiency according to age group of babies,
i. Less than 6 months: in this period baby’s iron store depends on mother’s intake of iron when baby was in mother’s womb. Also, it can be caused if baby is premature.
ii. 6 to 12 months: baby’s iron level can be at risk if baby’s intake of iron is not proper in the 2nd half of year. Hence, it becomes very important to give iron-rich food to baby in the form of liquid or solid.
iii. 1 to 5 years: In this age babies are at risk of iron deficiency if they are only dependent on cow’s milk or goat’s milk. It is very important to provide them iron-rich solid food. Also, baby should not be dependent on breastfeeding after one year of age since level of iron in breast milk decreases at this time.
iv. Teenagers: in this age puberty can led to iron deficiency if there is weak nutrition. In girls, along with puberty, periods also affect level of iron in their body.

Little iron impairs child’s ability to function properly. In most cases signs and symptoms doesn’t appear gradually until deficiency of iron anemia occurs. Iron anemia deficiency’s sign and symptoms might include following:
i. Problems in behaviors
ii. Infections with frequent rate
iii. Abnormal breathing rate
iv. Development and slow growth
v. Skin pale in color
vi. cold Hands and feet
Loss of appetite
India’s best online pharmacy store 3MEDS, suggest that if you experience any of these symptoms, it’s time to see your doctor.

Some general recommendations include following:
i. At the age of 4 months, start giving an iron supplement to baby. Continue this supplement until he or she is eating two or more serving a day
ii. If breastfed than give your baby iron fortified formula and stop giving baby the supplement 
iii. In case of premature infant, at the age of 2 weeks start giving your baby an iron supplement, continue until age of one year

Other steps for prevention of iron deficiency include:
i. During the time of pregnancy have iron rich diet for example red meat is the best source of iron
ii.  Anemia testing should be performed during pregnancy, and prescribed iron supplements should be taken with proper instruction
iii. Choose iron fortified infant formulas or breastfeed your baby
iv. Before 12 months of age don’t give your baby cow’s milk or other fluid which may displace iron rich solid
v. Introduction of solids foods should not be delayed. When they are around six months of age start giving pureed foods.
There are various supplements to avoid risk of iron deficiency, which you can buy at 3MEDS, online pharmacy store at your door step.

Deficiency of iron and iron anemia are generally diagnosed by blood tests but sometimes it includes physical examination and medical history too.

Treatment may include-
i. Under medical supervision iron supplements such as tablets or liquid for infant are recommended 
(Name of drug: Iron sulphate)
(Brand name: Ironorm drops)
ii. Diet change to increase the amount of iron rich foods.

Shop for these medicines at, India’s best online pharmacy and get these medicines at your door step.




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