Suraj Suresh's profile


The depreciation of the currency that no one takes into account! 
Kudoos to an "ALL TIME HIGH" of the INR
 (that's sarcasm by the way!)​​​​​​​

It's normal to want to be happy, but what is happiness? And what if you get your current state of happiness, would that be enough? Is there really a quantitative measure of how much enough is? Even though they say money can't buy you happiness but having a breakdown in your Bently doesn't seem that bad! 
In school some pocket change to get something from the canteen would be enough to make your day, at Uni, a party for the pack and life?


You think those expensive gifts and that extra perfect cute dates made a difference? It's not the showering of money that'll get your SO want you back. Like they say, Love is Blind! You can't buy love and if you did then it isn't love in the first place!

Cheers to the ones who know.


What are you running from? If it's not  for looking cool then it's one trauma or the other that got you into it, daddy issues? Not the best reason to start something. There's always two sides to the coin, so like that there's a nicer version of this too. As long as you're not simply justifying your actions with one random reason or the other and its simply for a good time then you're probably good, but no amount of money, no amount of sessions with the therapists or periods in a fancy rehabilitation center is going to fix things unless and until you decide to. There's a word in hindi, " नशा (nasha) " it literally means intoxication, but it's said in a harsh way, there should be a better word for it to show the nicer parts of it (if any). 



Another taboo in the Indian conversation of things! But are your really safe even with this? Wow! you got everything you wanted, but was it everything that everyone wanted? Selfish? Wrong move? The time of your Life? 
You'll know it soon or will you?

This one is something that I am a gazzillion percentage sure of, this is something money can't buy, this is something that you can't put a price on. Once you get to know the value of it, you'' understand the value of things probably.
To contradict myself if you feed a 10 Rs biscuit  packet to a street dog, he/she will be loyal to you. But is that loyalty or hunger or love?


Each image is an item that you can buy for that note of money but are you getting what you really paid for or are you just comforting yourself!That's for you to decide!





