Sushi Restaurant
    This project consisted in the creation and conception of the visual identity of a Japanese restaurant, as well as its menu´s graphic development. This project arose after the interest in wanting to develop an identity of a sushi restaurant that mixes both the oriental (Japanese) gastronomy and the western one. It was necessary to get out of the comfort zone and search for graphic and text elements different from the western culture as well. 
     The concept for the graphic development started from the name that was chosen for the restaurant. After a deep research, the name selected for the restaurant was Kaiju, which is related to Japan and its sea life. If translated, Kaiju would mean  something like "sea creature" in japanese, which was then connected with the figure of a Giant Octopus, not only because it is a sea creature but also because it became the unifying element of the two "global areas", the name Kaiju, a japanese sea monster, and the Kraken, a sea monster in the Western culture.

This work served as a non-profit school final project.

Foto de cottonbro no Pexels​​​​​​​

If you never enter the tiger's den, you will never be able to capture its cub.




