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lucky stone for virgo zodiac sign

lucky stone for virgo zodiac sign
(Marriage Prediction Astrology: )
Virgo is the sixth zodiac. It is situated between the lion and the Libra in Krantipath of the Sun. The longitudinal extension of this amount is 11.2 to 15.8 hours. Its latitudinal range is 15 degrees north to 23 degrees south. The specialty of this zodiac is that we try fast to overcome any difficulty and difficulties and also succeed in them. They have an affinity for arts and crafts. They are more excited about love. They remain aware of their duty towards their family and wife and children. There are also some negative aspects of this nakshatra like these are extremely emotional. People of the opposite sex are particularly attracted to them. Unknowingly get caught in a conspiracy. A person of this zodiac sign should wear Emerald, Peridot, Onix or Torquise.

lucky stone for virgo zodiac sign

lucky stone for virgo zodiac sign


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