There is nothing more precious than time, nor anything faster than it. For this reason he is always represented with wings. As for time itself, as there is nothing older than him, he is represented under the figure of an old man with wings, surrounded by the sun and the moon, who serve to fix his course. The hourglass, emblem of the fleeing present, and the scythe, which means that Time destroys everything. They are the particular attributes that are given to this figure: for this reason it is represented by spending a stone; allusion to express the destructive and irresistible power of Time.

Treaty of Allegory and emblems, Translated by LIC. DON LUIS G. PASTOR,
Nada hay mas precioso que el tiempo, ni nada mas rápido que él. Por esto se le representa siempre con alas. En cuanto al tiempo mismo, como nada hay mas antiguo que él, se le representa bajo la figura de un viejo con alas, rodeado del sol y de la luna, que le sirven para arreglar su curso. El reloj de arena, emblema del presente que huye, y la guadaña, que significa que el Tiempo todo lo destruye. Son los atributos particulares que se dan a esta figura: por esto se representa gastando una piedra; alusión para expresar el poder destructor e irresistible del Tiempo.

Tratado de Alegoría y emblemas, Traducido por LIC. DON LUIS G. PASTOR,
Allegory of time

Allegory of time
