Crossiety - Digitaler Dorfplatz

Crossiety is a Swiss company based in the canton of Zurich. The goal of Crossiety is to make social life more solidary and sustainable again. Crossiety’s digital village square is an interactive app that offers a local and trustworthy communication solution for the neighbourhood, the community and the region.  App users can inform themselves, communicate with each other and get involved.

Our task at Clevercip was to make the video as vivid and inviting as possible – after all, we wanted to convince a broad audience to put more emphasis on neighbourhood help.



Agency: Cleverclip  |  Project Manager: Jacky Passos  |  copywriter: Marc Bachofner 
Storyboard & illustrations: Orlando Lopez  |  Character design: Nart Alkass 
Animation: Jakub Skorupa, Nart Alkass, Alejandro Bonilla 
Sound design: Sebastian Bender

Crossiety - Digitaler Dorfplatz