BLM - Mural
A sign wasn’t big enough to spell this out. It seems evident to me but apparently some need a reminder in 2020. I am not great at giving speeches but us white men and women must absolutely seize this moment to speak up. Break the silence, aknowledge our privilege, educate and point finger at the people that discriminate, brutalize physically and mentally people of color. We must use this momentum to hold them accountable for it and also all feel responsible for change to happen. There is no turning back, no concessions. Chances must be equal for all, we must end the killings and shame the hate. We have so much to learn and do better. Hoping that this mural will allow to open the discussion for some, comfort the others and inspire some more. Painted on Venice boulevard, Los Angeles.
I also made a printable version of the mural which can be used as a sign 
during the protests partnering with Jointheuproar. ​​​​​​​
BLM Mural