During a game jam organised by the team of Jam Nation, we made the game Robobox. We were a small team from Ubisoft under the name Iconic. Jam Nation is an non-profit organisation that organize series of Game Jams to compete against other developers. 

Robobox is a game in which you are a small robot that has to go to work at the Post Office because the employees are on strike. Robobox's job is to gather the right boxes in the section under a time limit. It can only navigate in one direction at a time and carry only one box. You must be careful where you place the boxes as they have designed sections. 

Controls : 
- Joystick (aim towards where you want to go).
- Throw box (while holding a box, front + back + front)

Constraints :
- Theme : Diversity (all teams had this)
- One input game (team's decision)

Play the game : Lien
Jam Nation - Robobox

Jam Nation - Robobox

Progs : Janick Fortin, Francis Richard-Emond Art : Carl Perreault, Nicolas Gauthier-Régis


Creative Fields