Period by Private
Designing or advertising for sanitary pads for women always has a false narrative. They are usually portrayed as lovely joyful experiences and personally I have never related to sanitary pads’s identity, I just use them because I need to. This made me think about how when women get their period they are usually angry, and not cheerful at all. I believe that humor helps.
I also wanted to break the taboo of carrying pads in public. With these pouches, they can be carried anywhere at any time, with humorous message.
In terms of identity, I went with the idea of the wink as a “between us girls” narrative. The sentences are “blame it on the stars”, “skip P.E.”, and “don’t curse, carry it in a purse”. They are all more relatable to women and they are more honest.

The logo is a red dot by private which obviously translates to “period by private”. 

I wanted the pouches to look neat but also “down to earth”. I believe that using this concept instead of private’s current butterfly identity makes more sense and sends a message. Through this project I hope to spread awareness about the normality of menstrual cycles and embrace the madness that comes with it through humor while still keeping a feminine look.
Period by Private

Period by Private
