45 seconds
University Project
Malaria is a treatable and preventable infectious disease, caused by a parasite and transmitted by mosquitos. Malaria is most prominent in sub-Saharan Africa, where it is the leading cause of death of children under five.
What does 45 seconds mean to someone in North American and what does it mean to a child in a malaria zone. Using time, which is a metric that the audience can relate to, creates a sense of urgency. I wanted the audience to connect with the victims of malaria by putting a face to the issue. 45 seconds is a long time to stare and study a face, and regardless if the full the 45 seconds are used, a connection is made between the audience and the child they are looking at. Without a face, it is easier to ignore the issue and the victims remain invisible.
45 Seconds

45 Seconds

Not-for-profit magazine advertisement to raise awareness and funding for the prevention of malaria in Africa.
