When I was a little kid, my mom used to take me to the bazaar to buy sneakers. In early post communist Romania you had three choices: 
- Cheap chinese white canvas tennis shoes 
- A bit more expensive but still cheap chinese Puma or Adidas counterfeits  
- The unattainable original hard to find Adidas, Puma or Nike sneakers that were too expensive to even look at.  

We always went with the second version and I am grateful to my mother to this day that  I never wore those horrible white canvas "sport shoes" but every time I had to put on the poorly glued-on shoes on my feet I died a little inside.  Growing up, I developed a small obsession for having nice shoes to wear as, I believe every sneakerhead reading this can empathize with. 

I made this ongoing personal project to play around with the medium of sneakers and use it as a canvas to explore different versions of what I'd like to wear.

Presentation font: Gopher by Adam Ladd

Chunky Sneakers


Chunky Sneakers

A series of imaginary things to wear on your feet.
